Monday, November 12, 2007

Pressed for Space

As the video clip demonstrates, it is always possible to find room for food storage, if you get creative enough. Like our furry friend, most members of our ward and stake listed SPACE as the biggest problem. What creative solutions have worked for you?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Soliciting Success Stories!

Okay, time to tell us what has actually gone right lately!
Brag away, no holds barred...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Where can I learn more about what and how to store?

The Church has a great site about Provident Living with excellent resources and ideas for home storage.

Here's a few more ideas:
1. Some basics and amounts to get you started on long-term storage.
2. Some downloadable information - lots of ideas for those looking to refine their current storage.
3. "The Ultimate Food Storage Worksheet".

Where are some other places you've found for good ideas and information?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Fresh Dilemma....

All of you fresh food fans, let's brainstorm ways to make three month home storage work. (Katheryn, we're counting on you here!)

Here's a fancy dehydrator (yum) but there are also cheaper ways to try one out...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What is the next step in my Home Storage Plan?

The goal of our 4th Sunday lesson as a Stake was to "Encourage members to actually develop and carry out a personal or family plan to improve their home storage and to accept the first presidency's challenge to take their next step toward full compliance with this prophetic counsel."

What step have you decided to take?