Since not all of us have this, where do you keep it all? The more creative, the more points you get! :) (Pictures welcomed!)
(But if you are interested, this rack come from: http://www.foodstorageracks.com/)
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Here's my dilemma - we don't eat much non-perishable food in my family. That makes it hard to get a 3-month supply of food that we'll actually eat. Any ideas?
For those of you who live in family student housing, I keep my food storage in the entry way closet (we have set up shelves) and also under our bed and some of our tables that are covered with table clothes.
The first thing we did was to clean out the garage and take an inventory of what we already have. Next I am going to clean out,organize,and date what we have in our pantry inside the house. I would love to see some plans for a simple rotating shelving system my husband could make in the garage. I heard the Esplins have a good unit.
Costco was selling small units that you can put on existing shelves. I don't see them anymore, but I bet they could be found on the interenet.
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